How do you manage a river like the Thomson to keep everyone happy, make a healthy environment and avoid a secession movement?

How do you manage a river like the Thomson to keep everyone happy, make a healthy environment and avoid a secession movement?

Gerard chats with WGCMA colleague David Stork to see how competing interests have been brought together to manager the Thomson River.

Show notes

This week, Gerard spoke with colleague at the WGCMA David Stork about the work that has been done to manage and improve the Thomson River in Gippsland.

The Thomson is a significant river with a range of competing interests. However as David points out those competing interests all share a few things in common which enables work to be done to improve the watereway.

Topics discussed:

  1. The Thomson's importance and historical development
  2. Works undertaken and impact
  3. Sessessionist movment in the 1950s

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gerard callinan

gerard callinan

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david stork

david stork

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