Why the Alpine Peatlands are so unique and why they are worth protecting

Why the Alpine Peatlands are so unique and why they are worth protecting

They're amazing, they're remote and they're threatened. But...great work is being done to protect them

Show notes

This week, Gerard spoke with Dan Brown from Parks Vic about the work being done to protect and understand the Alpine Peatlands, vital sources of so many of our rivers.

Topics discussed:

  1. The history of interst in Alpine Peatlands
  2. The issue of invasive species threatening the area
  3. Impact of bushfires
  4. Impact of climate change

Links mentioned in this episode: Alpne Peatlands field work video by Stephen Curtain https://vimeo.com/265393764 WGCMA Alpine Peatlands project page https://www.wgcma.vic.gov.au/our-region/projects/alpine-peatlands-2

This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm



gerard callinan

gerard callinan

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Dan Brown

Dan Brown

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